Technology API | SEMSTORM

Technology API

This document contains basic information how to use SEMSTORM Technology API v3.

SEMSTORM PHP SDK library is under Apache License 2.0, This means that library is distributed without any warranties. What is more, support is not included. If you encounter any problems, please leave us a ticket.




Endpoint: [POST]

Parameters   PHP  CURL 
parameter method type required default  description
pager POST array no Pager settings. See below for structure details.
filters POST array no Filters. See below for structure details.
sorting POST array no Sorting. See below for structure details.
parameter type required default  description
items_per_page integer no 25 Page size (how many campaigns are in one page). Possible values are: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000.
page integer no 0 Page number to retrieve, starting from 0.
Fitlers array
parameter type required default  description
domain string no Domain filter. Using asterix * as wildcard allowed (eg. "*.org" to filter out only domains ending by .org).
technology array no Array with technologies IDs (strings) which are required.
technology_exclude array no Array with technologies IDs (strings) which are disallowed.
parameter type required default  description
field string no traffic Field to sort by. Possible values are: "traffic", "domain_size", "keywords".
sort string no desc Direction of sorting. Possible values are: "desc", "asc".
Output   RESULT 
method type description
results["domains"] array Domains list affected by filters, sorting and pager.
results["domains"][]["domain"] string Domain name.
results["domains"][]["subdomain"] string Subdomain name.
results["domains"][]["technologies"] array List of technologies IDs (strings) which are used on this website.
results["domains"][]["domain_size"] string Domain size, its integer number between 0 and 4. Can be used to distinguish big websites like wikipedia from small websites like personal blog.
results["domains"][]["keywords"] integer Website keywords count.
results["domains"][]["traffic"] integer Website traffic index.
results["technologies_count"] array Array with faceted technologies affected by filters.
results["technologies_count"][_TECH_ID_]["id"] integer Technology id, same as _TECH_ID_.
results["technologies_count"][_TECH_ID_]["name"] string Technology name.
results["technologies_count"][_TECH_ID_]["count"] integer Websites count for given technology.
results["technologies_count"][_TECH_ID_]["children"] array Array of technology children.
results["technologies_count"][_TECH_ID_]["children"][_CH_TECH_ID_]["id"] integer Technology id, same as _CH_TECH_ID_.
results["technologies_count"][_TECH_ID_]["children"][_CH_TECH_ID_]["name"] string Technology name.
results["technologies_count"][_TECH_ID_]["children"][_CH_TECH_ID_]["count"] integer Websites count for given technology.

Retrieve filtered list of domains and technologies count.

Request: Domain filter must be string.
Request: Technology filter must be array.
Request: Technology filters must be proper technology id.
Request: Technology exclude filter must be array.
Request: Technology exclude filters must be proper technology id.

PHP example code:

-X POST -d ''


(no example output)


Endpoint: [POST]

Parameters   PHP  CURL 
parameter method type required default  description
domains POST array yes List of domains (strings) to search for.
pager POST array no Pager settings. See below for structure details.
sorting POST array no Sorting. See below for structure details.
parameter type required default  description
items_per_page integer no 25 Page size (how many campaigns are in one page). Possible values are: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000.
page integer no 0 Page number to retrieve, starting from 0.
parameter type required default  description
field string no traffic Field to sort by. Possible values are: "traffic", "domain_size", "keywords".
sort string no desc Direction of sorting. Possible values are: "desc", "asc".
Output   RESULT 
method type description
results["domains"] array Domains list affected by filters, sorting and pager.
results["domains"][]["domain"] string Domain name.
results["domains"][]["subdomain"] string Subdomain name.
results["domains"][]["technologies"] array List of technologies IDs (strings) which are used on this website.
results["domains"][]["domain_size"] string Domain size, its integer number between 0 and 4. Can be used to distinguish big websites like wikipedia from small websites like personal blog.
results["domains"][]["keywords"] integer Website keywords count.
results["domains"][]["traffic"] integer Website traffic index.

Retrieve list of domains and subdomains with their technologies.

Request: No domains parameter.
Request: Domains parameter must be array.
Request: Too many domains. Enter up to 100 domains.

PHP example code:

-X POST -d '{"domains": ["", ""]}'


(no example output)

Technology tables

Endpoint:{_TABLE_NAME_} [GET]

Parameters   PHP  CURL 
method type required default  description
GET string yes - Name of table to retrieve.
Output   RESULT 
method type description
results[_TABLE_NAME_] array Content of given table.

This endpoint is used to retrieve information about current API params.

Request: Wrong table name.

Table of technologies

Endpoint: [GET]

Parameters   PHP  CURL 
parameter method type required default  description
Output   RESULT 
method type description
results["technologies"] array Array of technologies keyed by technology ID.
results["technologies"][_TECH_ID_]["id"] integer Technology id, same as _TECH_ID_.
results["technologies"][_TECH_ID_]["name"] string Technology name.
results["technologies"][_TECH_ID_]["children"] array Array of technologies children keyed by technology ID.
results["technologies"][_TECH_ID_]["children"][_CH_TECH_ID_]["id"] integer Technology id, same as _CH_TECH_ID_.
results["technologies"][_TECH_ID_]["children"][_CH_TECH_ID_]["name"] string Technology name.

Return tree-structured array of available technologies.


PHP example code:



(no example results)